
Last Update :3/28/2011

Virginia Tourism Golf Marketing Update

Dear Virginia Golf Marketers:
Thanks to many of you who were able to attend the Virginia Golf Meeting at VTC on March 1st. Following is a review of some of the subjects that we discussed as well as updates on other topics.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Best wishes for a successful spring season!

Judy Watkins

1. How to Keep informed of VTC’s Marketing Opportunities

There are two ways to learn about VTC’s marketing opportunities, which can include announcements of golf show participation, deadlines for listings in the travel guide and other VTC publications, marketing leverage programs, advertising opportunities and additional partnership options.
The Dashboard – VTC’s e-newsletter for the Virginia tourism industry. Sign up by going to  is VTC’s tourism industry website. It lists marketing opportunities, divisions within the VTC, programs, research, how to list your information on and much more.

2. VTC Marketing Leverage Program
Applications open Spring 2011
The Virginia Tourism Corporation (VTC) Marketing Leverage Program is designed to stimulate new tourism marketing programs through the creation of tourism partnerships and to extend the “Virginia is for Lovers” campaign. The objective of this program is to leverage limited marketing dollars, resulting in increased visitor spending, revenue and jobs.
We encourage golf courses, golf trails and other golf partnerships to apply for this program. Grant money can be used for consumer golf shows, advertising, website development, brochures and other marketing vehicles.
To find out when the spring application dates will be announced, please subscribe to VTC’s electronic newsletter, the Dashboard or check regularly for updates. For questions about the MLP, please contact Paige Worthington at 804-545-5548 or  

3. Golf Research

Elizabeth McLoughlin, VTC’s Director of Research, was able to obtain the attached “Economic Impact of Golf Tourism” from Virginia Commonwealth University.

4. Photography and B-roll

Several courses expressed interest in submitting their own B-roll to the VTC for possible use in future television spots that may include golf. Following are the specs required for the footage:


MPEG-4, 1920 x 1080 16:9 HD, H.264 compressed .mov

1280 x 720, 16:9 widescreen, in .mov or .avi

Any resolution under 1280 x 720 and any file compressed with Apple Intermediate codec

Still Photography
Attached is “Plan Your Photography,” a step-by-step primer on doing a photo shoot at your golf course or property. New golf course photos are always needed for VTC publications, media requests and photo library. When your new photography is ready, send it on a disk to Georg Horvath at VTC. For questions about B-roll or photography, please contact Georg at 804-545-5570 or An FTP site is available for uploads.

5. Virginia Golf Guides & Virginia Welcome Centers

Support Virginia golf courses and destinations by stocking the 2011 Virginia Golf Guide in your pro shop. They are packed 66/box and bulk quantities can be ordered from:

Your brochure can be distributed at Virginia’s interstate highway welcome centers. Advertising opportunities are also available at the centers. To find out more, contact VTC’s Marie Henderson at .

6. Golf Shows

Canadian Golf Shows - Heidi Johannesen, VTC’s International Marketing Director, reports that the Toronto Golf Show enjoyed its best attendance ever during the weekend of March 4-6. Heidi and VTC’s Ontario marketing representative, Sana Keller, staffed a Virginia booth with the help of Virginia golf professionals from the following organizations:

VA Golf Trail
Rock Harbor Golf Course
Williamsburg Golf Vacations
Fredericksburg Area Golf Assoc.

VTC also participated in the Montreal Golf Show and was represented by Barbara Simon, VTC’s marketing representative in Quebec province, along with a representative from the Fredericksburg Area Golf Association. This year’s show attracted over 13,600 Canadian golf enthusiasts, and it is the largest event devoted entirely to golf in the province of Quebec.

VTC staffed a Virginia golf booth at the Pittsburgh Golf Show, March 11-13. Brochures for Wintergreen, Primland, Massanutten, Luray Caverns, Va. Beach, Bay Creek, Traditional Golf Properties, Va. Golf Trail and Williamsburg Golf were distributed as well as the Virginia Golf Guides and travel guides.

7. 18-Month VTC Co-Op Media Plan FY11

The new 18-month Virginia Tourism Cooperative media plan for Virginia Tourism Corporation and industry partners is now available. This media plan covers July 1, 2010]December 31, 2011, and presents numerous advertising opportunities in print and on-line sources.

8. Virginia Meeting Planner’s Directory and Group Itinerary Planners
Promote your destination, attraction, restaurant or lodging establishment in these two publications. Printed in the summer/fall of 2011, these guides serve as the VTC's primary trade fulfillment pieces given to meeting planners and group tour operators. For information on purchasing a display ad or listing, contact Jo Diedrich at Leisure Publishing at 540-580-8767 or .

9. VA-1 Travel Conference
Mark your calendar for Oct. 17-18 when the Virginia Tourism Corporation, the Virginia Hospitality and Travel Association and VACVB will host VA-1 Tourism Summit at the Hilton at Short Pump. VTC will unveil creative and the strategic plan for the industry including our co-operative advertising plan. Please check the website routinely for VA-1 information and for upcoming partnership opportunities. This conference provides the Virginia tourism industry with opportunities to become better marketers and pool our resources together to attract travelers to The Commonwealth.

10. Virginia.Org  
It's nearly time to launch the new!
A new Administration Tool is being built along with a new look and new functionality for The final stages require the Administration Tool to be disabled. During this time all listings and other content will be moved into the new system. Please expect the Administration Tool to be unavailable for approximately three weeks (March 23-April 13). Update your listings now! Get more information here.

Judy Watkins
Government & Industry Relations Manager
Virginia Tourism Corporation
901 East Byrd Street
Richmond, VA 23219-4048
Tel: 804-545-5563
Fax: 804-545-5501
email:  (consumer)  (industry)

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