NGCOA Mid-Atlantic Membership
Serving Golf in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C.
Click Here for Membership Application / Click here to Pay Dues Online
The NGCOA is the leading authority on the business of golf course ownership and management. Through advocacy, information resources, purchasing programs and networking opportunities, the NGCOA helps golf course owners and operators run more successful businesses. Website:

Networking Communities and Conferences
The Accelerate digital platform puts you in
the room with owners/operators who share
the same challenges as you — a great
place to seek solutions. The NGCOA
Conference & Golf Industry Show offers
great networking and education. The new
TechCon event keeps you up-to-date on the
latest industry technology.
NGCOA and our Mid-Atlantic Chapter are
on the job in DC, Richmond and Annapolis
tracking issues affecting our members.
NGCOA and allied associations support
WE ARE GOLF and National Golf Day to
protect our industry and business interests.
Purchasing Network
NGCOA works with key vendors to offer
member-only pricing, rebates and valueadded
products and services. Savings can
be substantial.
Operating Solutions
NGCOA and our chapter combine to offer
operating solutions to grow revenue and
control costs. Some of our offerings include
Golf Business magazine, the website, online manuals and
articles, distance learning (webinars),
NGCOA Circuit eLetter, online buyer’s
guide, email updates and tee time solutions.
NGCOA is your advocate against third
party resellers.
Rounds Growth
NGCOA partners with the PGA of America
to offer player development programs, such
as “Get Golf Ready,” “Drive, Chip & Putt”
and “Women’s Golf Month.”
Regional Services
The NGCOA Mid-Atlantic Chapter
represents courses in Virginia, Maryland
and Washington, DC. In our region, the
chapter publishes Mid-Atlantic Golf
Business newsletter and produces educational meetings,
great for networking. The website,
is also a great resource for news, member
directory access and for job postings. The
chapter also produces the NGCOA Annual
Meeting, with great education, networking
and golf. The event includes a VIP Party and
Awards recognition. The chapter also
collaborates with allied associations to
produce joint events. The chapter also
works with vendors through the Partner
Program, to showcase companies engaged
in supporting member clubs. The chapter
does surveys periodically on important
topics such as health care costs.
Membership Perks
NGCOA members receive special perks
from our allied associations, including free
admission to championship golf events,
such as the PGA Championship, The PGA
Senior Championship and LPGA events.
Privileges vary, but in some cases spouses
and children are included. NGCOA
membership also affords free admission to
the PGA Merchandise Show.
NGCOA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Headquarters
Special regional services through the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of NGCOA are available to you at no extra cost.
David Norman, Executive Director
NGCOA Mid-Atlantic
1900 Manakin Road, Suite C
Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103
Phone: (804) 708-9760
As the voice of the golf business, in VA, MD and DC, the NGCOA Mid-Atlantic serves to promote, protect, and educate its members and their courses. We are a newly formed chapter, and we plan to focus in on several areas: growing the game, legislative affairs, networking, education and vendor relations.
Our chapter addresses local issues like property taxes and water resource issues and provides forums for education and making connections with your peers. We also coordinate “best practices” exchanges both live in meetings, as well as through conference calls and electronic communications. We attract members from every course type, ensuring that you will find individuals who share your challenges. These are people you will meet on Accelerate, at the annual conference and at chapter meetings.
We have an excellent Board of Directors representing every segment of the golf industry – daily fee, private, resort, military, management company, etc. We are seeking to grow our membership, as there is strength in numbers -- please join and help us recruit new members!